Principal Casshaunda Davis
Casshaunda Davis is prepared to take on a leadership role in her hometown school district.
She is the new principal at Holly Springs Primary School after working two years at the school as academic and behavioral interventionist.
“I take things on in full stride, and I’m honored, humbled and excited about this opportunity,” Davis said. “It’s good to be home, helping the children of this community learn and grow.”
She graduated from Holly Springs High School in 1999 and Mississippi State University in 2004. Her degree is in secondary education, with an emphasis in English. She taught high school English for nine years at H.W. Byers. She also taught sixth grade English at Holly Springs Intermediate School, seventh grade at Horn Lake Middle School and eighth grade at Olive Branch Middle School before the move to interventionist at Holly Springs Primary School in 2021.
She obtained a master’s degree from Blue Mountain College in 2019 and achieved educational leadership certification in 2021 from the University of Mississippi. She is working on her doctoral degree at the University of Mississippi.
Her parents, John and Catherine Davis, were both educators. She has two daughters, CaiDyn, 14, and DaiLah, 10.

Davis taught dance in Holly Springs for 15 years. Jazzy’s Dance Studio closed in 2020 due to Covid.
“My dance academy was my way of giving back to my community,” she said. “I still love my Jazzy’s!”
Davis, 42, takes over the principal position at Holly Springs Primary School as her mentor, Dr. Sherna Jones, moves to a new position in the district.
“I am student-focused; a big emphasis will be placed on our children becoming stronger readers,” Davis said. “I am confident we will continue to foster a nurturing and supportive learning environment where our students can thrive academically, socially and emotionally.”
“I am still settling in and getting acclimated with the responsibilities of this position, but I’m more than ready to move forward and continue the progress at the school. My role has been and will continue to be a support person for our teachers and parents and help them help our students. I am a strong believer that all children can learn.”
The theme for the 2023-2024 year at Holly Springs Primary School will be, “Bouncing to ‘B’ a Better Me.”
“This will be a school-wide theme (students and staff) which really caters to us all, because we all are striving to be the best versions of ourselves,” Davis said.
“We will exhaust all instructional approaches in order to see growth in all of our students.”
The start of school is just around the corner. New teacher academy is July 26-28. Teachers’ first day is August 3. Students return to classes on August 7.